Pitt.-Bradford at Alfred St. October 1, 2024

(0-9-0, 0-2-0)
(8-3-0, 2-0-0)
Final 1 2 T
Pitt.-Bradford 0 0 0
Alfred St. 9 1 10

Box Score

Alfred St.


0 - Michael Riedel - gk 0 0 0 0
33 - Troy VanSickle - gk 0 0 0 0
3 - Ayden Ratajczak - fwd 0 0 0 0
4 - Will Benatovich - def 0 0 0 0
5 - Kojo Imbeah - fwd 1 1 0 0
6 - Jahmair McKenzie - def 0 0 0 0
8 - Quinton Hepner - def 0 0 0 0
9 - Bailee Verdill - fwd 0 0 0 0
10 - Moises Ochoa-Castellon - mid 0 0 0 0
11 - Brady Hathaway - mid 0 0 0 0
12 - Andrew Suero - def 0 0 0 0
14 - Garner McMaster - fwd 0 0 0 0
15 - Alex Stockton - mid 0 0 0 0
17 - Yihao Xu - fwd 0 0 0 0
18 - Zoal Awad - def 0 0 0 0
19 - Kyle Carlsen - mid 1 0 0 0
20 - Will Smith 0 0 0 0
21 - Max Shaw - mid 0 0 0 0
22 - Jaden Nye - def 0 0 0 0
23 - Reiss Gaines - fwd 0 0 0 0
24 - Tyler Levely - def 0 0 0 0
25 - Andre Fratercangelo - def 0 0 0 0
26 - Ben Preisch - def 1 1 0 0
27 - Brady Hillman - fwd 0 0 0 0
29 - Karsten Stadtler - fwd 0 0 0 0
30 - Conner Rudsell - fwd 0 0 0 0
34 - Ward Kennedy - mid 0 0 0 0
35 - Liam Liotta - mid 0 0 0 0
TM - TEAM 0 0 0 0
TOTALS 3 2 0 0

Alfred St.

0 - Alexander Preston - gk 0 0 0 0
32 - Marcus Tittle - gk 0 0 0 0
1 - Ryan Masi - fwd 3 1 0 0
2 - Josh Price - def 0 0 0 0
5 - Farhan Abdi - mid 3 1 0 1
8 - Jack Leahy - mid 1 1 1 0
9 - Chuck Domm - fwd 3 3 3 1
10 - Will Leahy - mid 1 1 1 0
11 - Brogan Cotter - fwd 2 2 1 0
12 - Liam Hyatt - def 0 0 0 0
13 - Jackson Powers - mid 0 0 0 0
14 - Henry Leahy - mid 1 1 0 0
15 - Jean Baptiste Kagde - def 0 0 0 0
16 - Evan Blankenberg - def 0 0 0 0
17 - Nuri Sarbudak - fwd 2 1 1 1
18 - Travis Scandalis - fwd 2 1 1 2
19 - Eric Spring - fwd 1 1 0 0
20 - Alexander Romero - mid 1 1 0 1
21 - Kyle Cunningham 0 0 0 1
22 - Matthew Zwirblis - fwd 0 0 0 0
23 - Tj Brackett - def 3 3 2 0
26 - CJ Salatino - def 1 1 0 0
27 - Colin Martin - mid 2 2 0 0
28 - Moses Roloson - fwd 1 1 0 0
30 - Ryan Foy - def 0 0 0 0
34 - Aleksander Proniewski - def 0 0 0 0
35 - Aiden Boyer - def 0 0 0 0
36 - Joey Davis - def 0 0 0 0
41 - Lucas Jorgenson - def 0 0 0 1
TM - TEAM 0 0 0 0
TOTALS 27 21 10 8

Pitt.-Bradford Goalies

0 - Michael Riedel (L, 0-1-0) 15 9 6 45:00
33 - Troy VanSickle 5 1 4 45:00
TOTALS 20 10 10 90:00

Alfred St. Goalies

0 - Alexander Preston (W, 1-0-0) 0 0 0 45:00
32 - Marcus Tittle 2 0 2 45:00
TOTALS 2 0 2 90:00

Scoring Summary

Period Time Play V - H
1st 01:46 Chuck Domm (7) (Travis Scandalis) 0 - 1
1st 03:41 Chuck Domm (7) (unassisted) 0 - 2
1st 04:52 Nuri Sarbudak (6) (Alexander Romero) 0 - 3
1st 06:30 Jack Leahy (3) (Travis Scandalis) 0 - 4
1st 14:53 Travis Scandalis (8) (Chuck Domm) 0 - 5
1st 17:22 Chuck Domm (7) (Nuri Sarbudak) 0 - 6
1st 25:22 TJ Brackett (4) (Farhan Abdi) 0 - 7
1st 39:13 TJ Brackett (4) (Kyle Cunningham) 0 - 8
1st 40:43 William Leahy (3) (unassisted) 0 - 9
2nd 64:53 Brogan Cotter (3) (Lucas Jorgenson) 0 - 10
Pitt.-Bradford 1 2 3
Alfred St. 20 7 27
Pitt.-Bradford 6 5 11
Alfred St. 0 2 2
Pitt.-Bradford 0 1 1
Alfred St. 3 1 4
Pitt.-Bradford 3 3 6
Alfred St. 2 1 3

Game Information

Date/Time: October 1, 2024 - 06:30
Location: Alfred Station
Stadium: Pioneer Stadium
Game Length: 02:02
Attendance: 100
Referee: Franco Bevilacqua

Play By Play


00:00 Preston, Alexander at goalie for Alfred St.
00:00 Riedel, Michael at goalie for Pitt.-Bradford
01:46 Goal!GOAL by ASC Domm, Chuck Assist by Scandalis, Travis.
( 0 - 1 )
02:15 Shot by ASC Leahy, Henry, bottom center, saved by Riedel, Michael.
03:07 Shot by ASC Romero, Alexander, top, saved by Riedel, Michael.
03:41 Goal!GOAL by ASC Domm, Chuck.
( 0 - 2 )
04:52 Goal!GOAL by ASC Sarbudak, Nuri Assist by Romero, Alexander.
( 0 - 3 )
06:30 Goal!GOAL by ASC Leahy, Jack Assist by Scandalis, Travis.
( 0 - 4 )
07:00 Foul on Verdill, Bailee.
08:00 Corner kick [08:00].
09:37 Foul on Nye, Jaden.
12:13 Shot by ASC Sarbudak, Nuri, out left.
13:32 Foul on Price, Josh.
14:53 Goal!GOAL by ASC Scandalis, Travis Assist by Domm, Chuck.
( 0 - 5 )
17:22 Goal!GOAL by ASC Domm, Chuck Assist by Sarbudak, Nuri.
( 0 - 6 )
17:41 Substitution!UPB substitution: Preisch, Benjamin for Smith, Will.
17:41 Substitution!UPB substitution: Benatovich, Will for Fratercangelo, Andre.
17:41 Shot by UPB Carlsen, Kyle, out top.
17:41 Substitution!ASC substitution: Proniewski, Aleksander for Leahy, Jack.
17:41 Substitution!ASC substitution: Boyer, Aiden for Powers, Jackson.
17:41 Substitution!ASC substitution: Blankenberg, Evan for Kagde, Jean Baptiste.
17:41 Shot by ASC Scandalis, Travis, out left.
21:11 Substitution!ASC substitution: Masi, Ryan for Sarbudak, Nuri.
21:11 Substitution!ASC substitution: Brackett, TJ for Scandalis, Travis.
21:11 Substitution!ASC substitution: Abdi, Farhan for Romero, Alexander.
22:08 Substitution!ASC substitution: Spring, Eric for Domm, Chuck.
22:08 Substitution!UPB substitution: Xu, Yihao for Ratajczak, Ayden.
23:46 Offside against Alfred St..
24:27 Substitution!UPB substitution: Stadtler, Karsten for Nye, Jaden.
24:47 Substitution!ASC substitution: Leahy, William for Leahy, Henry.
25:22 Goal!GOAL by ASC Brackett, TJ Assist by Abdi, Farhan.
( 0 - 7 )
26:03 Substitution!ASC substitution: Cotter, Brogan for Hyatt, Liam.
26:25 Shot by ASC Masi, Ryan, top left, saved by Riedel, Michael.
26:45 Substitution!ASC substitution: Cunningham, Kyle for Price, Josh.
26:49 Corner kick [26:49].
28:07 Shot by ASC Masi, Ryan, out top left.
29:43 Foul on Abdi, Farhan.
31:17 Shot by ASC Cotter, Brogan, bottom center, saved by Riedel, Michael.
33:09 Shot by ASC Spring, Eric, top, saved by Riedel, Michael.
33:56 Offside against Alfred St..
36:04 Substitution!ASC substitution: Zwirblis, Matthew for Spring, Eric.
36:04 Substitution!ASC substitution: Roloson, Moses for Masi, Ryan.
36:04 Substitution!UPB substitution: Gaines, Reiss for Verdill, Bailee.
36:04 Substitution!UPB substitution: Hillman, Brady for Stockton, Alex.
36:04 Substitution!UPB substitution: Kennedy, Ward for Rudsell, Conner.
36:12 Shot by ASC Brackett, TJ, bottom center, saved by Riedel, Michael.
37:06 Offside against Alfred St..
38:27 Shot by ASC Abdi, Farhan, out top.
38:47 Corner kick [38:47].
39:13 Goal!GOAL by ASC Brackett, TJ Assist by Cunningham, Kyle.
( 0 - 8 )
40:43 Goal!GOAL by ASC Leahy, William.
( 0 - 9 )
42:40 Foul on Kennedy, Ward.
43:38 Offside against Alfred St..
43:38 Offside against Alfred St..
43:38 Shot by ASC Abdi, Farhan, out top.
45:00 End of period [45:00].
45:00 Substitution!UPB substitution: VanSickle, Troy for Riedel, Michael.
-- End of 1st Period --
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45:00 Start of 2nd period [45:00].
45:00 FOR UPB: , #33 VanSickle, Troy, #3 Ratajczak, Ayden, #9 Verdill, Bailee, #10 Ochoa-Castellon, Moises, #15 Stockton, Alex, #20 Smith, Will, #26 Preisch, Benjamin, #29 Stadtler, Karsten, #25 Fratercangelo, Andre, #4 Benatovich, Will, #30 Rudsell, Conner.
45:00 FOR ASC: , #32 Tittle, Marcus, #21 Cunningham, Kyle, #34 Proniewski, Aleksander, #1 Masi, Ryan, #11 Cotter, Brogan, #35 Boyer, Aiden, #10 Leahy, William, #16 Blankenberg, Evan, #19 Spring, Eric, #23 Brackett, TJ, #5 Abdi, Farhan.
45:00 Substitution!ASC substitution: Tittle, Marcus for Preston, Alexander.
45:00 Substitution!ASC substitution: Masi, Ryan for Zwirblis, Matthew.
45:00 Substitution!ASC substitution: Spring, Eric for Roloson, Moses.
45:00 Substitution!UPB substitution: Ratajczak, Ayden for Xu, Yihao.
45:00 Substitution!UPB substitution: Verdill, Bailee for Gaines, Reiss.
45:00 Substitution!UPB substitution: Ochoa-Castellon, Moises for Hathaway, Brady.
45:00 Substitution!UPB substitution: Stockton, Alex for Hillman, Brady.
45:00 Substitution!UPB substitution: Smith, Will for Carlsen, Kyle.
45:00 Substitution!UPB substitution: Fratercangelo, Andre for Levely, Tyler.
45:00 Substitution!UPB substitution: Rudsell, Conner for Kennedy, Ward.
50:14 Foul on Stockton, Alex.
53:36 Shot by ASC Masi, Ryan, out top.
56:09 Substitution!ASC substitution: Martin, Colin for Brackett, TJ.
60:57 Substitution!ASC substitution: Jorgenson, Lucas for Spring, Eric.
60:57 Substitution!ASC substitution: Roloson, Moses for Abdi, Farhan.
60:57 Substitution!UPB substitution: Suero, Andrew for Stadtler, Karsten.
61:55 Shot by ASC Martin, Colin, bottom center, saved by VanSickle, Troy.
64:53 Goal!GOAL by ASC Cotter, Brogan Assist by Jorgenson, Lucas.
( 0 - 10 )
65:20 Offside against Alfred St..
66:28 Offside against Pitt.-Bradford.
67:03 Corner kick [67:03].
69:28 Substitution!ASC substitution: Zwirblis, Matthew for Masi, Ryan.
69:28 Substitution!ASC substitution: Salatino, CJ for Boyer, Aiden.
69:28 Substitution!UPB substitution: Hepner, Quinton for Preisch, Benjamin.
69:28 Substitution!UPB substitution: Imbeah, Kojo for Rudsell, Conner.
70:38 Substitution!ASC substitution: Foy, Ryan for Cotter, Brogan.
70:38 Substitution!UPB substitution: McMaster, Garner for Smith, Will.
70:38 Substitution!UPB substitution: Liotta, Liam for Fratercangelo, Andre.
72:29 Shot by UPB Imbeah, Kojo, bottom center, saved by Tittle, Marcus.
73:22 Shot by ASC Martin, Colin, bottom left, saved by VanSickle, Troy.
74:54 Substitution!ASC substitution: Abdi, Farhan for Cunningham, Kyle.
74:54 Substitution!UPB substitution: Kennedy, Ward for Ratajczak, Ayden.
74:54 Substitution!UPB substitution: Gaines, Reiss for Verdill, Bailee.
74:54 Substitution!UPB substitution: Preisch, Benjamin for Ochoa-Castellon, Moises.
74:54 Substitution!UPB substitution: Shaw, Max for Stockton, Alex.
75:24 Corner kick [75:24].
77:06 Offside against Alfred St..
80:15 Substitution!ASC substitution: Brackett, TJ for Martin, Colin.
81:41 Substitution!ASC substitution: Davis, Joey for Leahy, William.
81:41 Substitution!UPB substitution: McKenzie, Jahmair for Suero, Andrew.
84:12 Shot by ASC Roloson, Moses, bottom left, Team save.
84:30 Shot by ASC Salatino, CJ, bottom center, saved by VanSickle, Troy.
84:50 Shot by UPB Preisch, Benjamin, bottom left, saved by Tittle, Marcus.
85:09 Foul on Salatino, CJ.
86:41 Substitution!UPB substitution: Awad, Zoal for Preisch, Benjamin.
86:41 Substitution!UPB substitution: Hillman, Brady for Benatovich, Will.
86:58 Foul on Hepner, Quinton.
87:40 Foul on Shaw, Max.
88:26 Offside against Alfred St..
89:32 Shot by ASC Abdi, Farhan, bottom left, saved by VanSickle, Troy.
90:00 End of period [90:00].
-- End of 2nd Period --
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